the motions

Monday, November 17, 2008

Getting ready for the trip...

While I am not near the master with words as Mr. Shaw is, I am going to try to put into words my excitement for our upcoming trip to Austin.

There is no other city I've ever had the pleasure of visiting with the culture of Austin. It's got all the bases covered. Great food, great people, and AMAZING music. Our first trip up there was truly a lifetime experience.

The studio we call home is known as EAR (East Austin Recorders) Studios. The main tracking room is huge. It is really great. It's housed some incredible bands. The owner operator is named James Michael Stevens. He really helped develop our sound and gave a certain Austin flavor to most of the songs.

The 5 songs we will be recording this time are all pretty new. I'm certain that the finished products will be vastly different than the way they sound now. We unveiled one new song Friday at the Princess and got a pretty good reaction. Two of the songs are ones we did a year ago in Memphis (don't get me started on that trip). I guess the closest I can describe our new sound is kind of a mixture of folk and Kinks type garage rock. We're starting to really embrace our Southern influences in our music. Chase has been an amazing addition on the guitar. It's nice being able to sit back and just play some rythymm. After we get back from Austin I plan on immediately starting to write some more and to really integrate everyone into the writing process.

Well I guess this is long enough for now. I'll write something tomorrow as well. I'll probably be ready to explode from excitement. Breakfast Tacos!!! Here I come!!!!


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