the motions

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I've got some free time...

So I made it safely to Austin. God I love this city. It's beautiful. First thing I did this morning was go to Waterloo Records. I blew some money on The Hold Steady and The Black Keys records. What the heck. They could use it I guess. Next I got some delicious breakfast tacos from Arandas. Then I headed over to the studio to set everything up. It went well. We begin recording tomorrow. We're excited. Max and Miles should arrive any minute. As I sit here in the hotel room I'm listening to the free stream of Chinese Democracy on Myspace. Wow. I'm pretty underwhelmed. I don't really know what I was expecting though. There's some pretty cool Buckethead solos if you're into that kind of thing. But the album kinda sucks. Come on Axl. Call Slash. Well ok guys. Wish me luck for tomorrow. And I hope Chase is enjoying Mississippi.
